We attach our happiness to a physical or an emotional event. If I can get that job, if I can get to date this person... all these things are attached on an external factor. Getting a job depends a lot on the company you are applying to, dating has it's own factors. So do you deal with this and still be happy and get a happy outcome.
Positive Attitude
- In the Biography of Steve Jobs, Einstein referred a term called Distorted Reality. It actually works atleast for me, if you think that you'll get it, chances are that universe will conspire in favor for you and make it work.
- In the case of getting the job, assuming you are not lazy, with a positive attitude you'll be in a better mode of preparing for interview.
Positive Energy
- With positive attitude comes positive energy. Positive energy brings smile on your face and attracts other humans towards you.
External Validation - the 30 sec rule
No one gives a shit about what you do and what you have done after 30 seconds of the introduction. So why care for what other people think about you, no one has time to think about you - everyone is dealing with their own set of issues. Living in the society have made us slaves towards other people's opinion on our actions. You don't need that, just chill out and do what you like to do the most.